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2025 Monday League


Monday Public League
2025 League Schedule
April 28th – July 28th

*We will skip May 26th (Memorial Day).
5:30 Shotgun Starts

League Fees
$500 per player plus tax

  • League fees include a Gold Member Pass for the 2025 season. Your Gold Member Pass will give you a 20% discount on your green fees outside of league play.


Each member of the team should be able to average a nine-hole score of 52 or less – or be able to complete nine-holes of golf, in a foursome, in under 2:20 minutes.


  1. Returning members will start week 1 with their 2024 end of season handicap and will play an exhibition team net better ball match on week 1. 2024 handicaps will be applied to the week 1 exhibition match and will adjust post match.
  2. New members will establish their handicaps on week 1 playing an individual stroke play game for handicapping purposes. If the new member(s) are unable to play on week 1, with or without a substitute, they will start week 2 at scratch and their handicap will adjust going forward.  If there are no new members or all new members have provided a USGA handicap, we will start competitive play on week 1.
  3. 85% of individual handicap will be used each week in determining weekly handicaps.
  4. The largest number of handicap strokes awarded to any player is 18 for nine holes, regardless of handicap calculations.
  5. Handicaps will continue to adjust throughout the season based on your overall league performance.


The format of the league will be net better ball match play versus another team in your division.  A team winning a hole during the nine-hole match wins one point for each hole won.  If a hole is halved, each team receives a ½ point.  The maximum number of points each team can win per match is 5 points; however, the low combined NET team score will earn your team an additional point.  Therefore, your team can score a maximum of 6 points.


Men- Blue / Men 65 or older- White / Women- Green


Championship Night (July 28th)

The top four teams from each division in the season long points standings will earn a berth to play for the “League Championship Title”.

These eight teams will participate in a best ball format.  85% of league handicaps will be used for each player.  No substitutes will be allowed on this night.  The team with the low nine-hole Net Better Ball score will be crowned the champion.

Teams not qualifying for the championship showdown will play on Championship Night in a scramble format.

*All Prizes are awarded as gift cards.

No Shows:

If a team member is unable to show for a week’s scheduled match, the remaining player has two options:

  • Find a player with an average nine-hole score of less than 52.  This player must be reported to the Golf Professional on duty.  Substitutes must be submitted prior to 11 a.m. Monday morning of the scheduled week.  If that player has a USGA Handicap (no other handicaps are allowable; including internet-based), it will be multiplied by .85 and then cut in half nine-hole league use.
  • Go without a partner and play your own ball for the nine holes.

NOTE:  A late player may join at the beginning of any hole, but may not practice on the course (i.e., hit shots in the fairway or putt while waiting to join on the next hole).

It is your responsibility to make arrangements to have two players each week.  Teams that do not show up will be given zero points for the week and 1 point will be subtracted from their season total.

If a team drops out of the league after the league season has started, all teams will receive an automatic five points for that match, regardless of whether they have already played that team or not.

We will attempt to allow you to alternate between play on the front and back nine – but please understand that this is not always possible, due to outside factors.

6 in stock
